• Some people develop raised, 'overgrowing' scars (hypertrophic scars or keloids) after operations, trauma or minor inflammations arising from acne. The earlier a scar is treated, the better the outcome. Our dermatologists offer treatments to significantly improve their appearance, such as injections, steroid solutions, and prescription topical treatments.
  • These are yellowish enlarged oil glands, between 1 – 3 mm in diameter that appear commonly on the forehead and cheeks of adults. They are harmless, but can resemble a basal cell skin cancer, making professional diagnosis from a Dermatologist essential. Improvement through prescription cream, complete in-clinic removal through ACP or cryotherapy (‘freezing’) are all options we can offer at Eudelo.
  • Depending on the type, skin cancers appear as neutral or coloured lumps, ulcerated bleeding lesions, scar-like patches, or changing moles. These require urgent diagnosis if discovered, to prevent local growth or development into a tumour. Our Dermatologists will assess these through a dermoscopic examination, and remove or send the tissue for special microscopic analysis, depending on the prognosis.
  • Certain skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or seborrhoeic dermatitis can affect the skin on the scalp, causing itching, flaking or scaling, potentially with some hair loss. Scalp skin may also develop fungal infections, which can be highly contagious. Skin conditions on the scalp should always be diagnosed and treated by a Dermatologist.
  • Skin Tags (Fibromas / Papillomas) are harmless soft skin lesions, that protrude from the skin on tiny ‘stalks’, often near the neck, face and groin. You may wish to remove these if they are uncomfortable or for aesthetic reasons. We can remove these painlessly through a variety of non-surgical methods including curettage ('surgical shave'), or ACP (Advanced Cosmetic Procedure using Electrolysis).
  • Alopecia areata, a form of patchy hair loss, is the most common type of hair loss in children. It can arise spontaneously or be triggered by stressful life events such as a new school, problems with peers, or parental problems. In the majority of cases, the hair eventually grows back fully and we can offer treatment to try and kick-start the process and help minimise the child's understandable distress.
  • Pityriasis Rosea is a harmless fungal infection commonly mistaken for psoriasis. Initial symptoms are a patch on the trunk, progressing into widespread scaliness covering the entire trunk, over days to weeks, causing itchiness. Frequently no treatment is required, with the rash healing itself without leaving scars. Eudelo’s dermatologists can however recommend the correct diagnosis, and a mild topical treatment to accelerate the clear-up.
  • These are benign lesions on the skin and can take on a wide variety of different shapes and forms. We can offer a range of different treatments for these depending on the type of wart such as clinical 'freezing', paints containing high concentrations of salicylic and lactic acid, curettage, cautery and ACP.
  • For best results, carboxytherapy sessions should be alternated with Advanced Medical Needling. This uses ultra-fine needles to create microscopic punctures in the skin. These intentional, standardized 'injuries' induce thousands of tiny, controlled wound-healing responses, which lead to increased collagen production and tissue remodelling.
  • This treatment is a revolutionary regenerative aesthetic treatment that encourages the skin to build more collagen and elastin and thus renew and rejuvenate itself – true bio-stimulation! It involves taking a blood sample from the patient, from which we then isolate a platelet-rich sample, and reinject into the skin, triggering surrounding skin cells to proliferate and stimulate collagen production.
  • We have pioneered the 'Vampire'/'Dracula' PLUS lift, a combination of platelet rich plasma (PRP) with infusion of a high-grade cell nourishing cocktail, mixing the patient's own platelet-rich plasma with a sterile solution containing more than 50 key skin optimization ingredients. This revitalizing solution contains a range of beneficial ingredients including hyaluronic acid, vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, nucleic acid bases, minerals and a special antioxidant to protect and stimulate skin cells.
  • Botulinum toxin (BTX), often referred to as 'botox' is an excellent treatment for dynamic facial lines. It works at the root cause of dynamic lines by preventing the muscle from doing the very over-movement that has caused the problem in the first place. The effect on the muscle is fully reversible and lasts about three to six months.


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